Scratches in glass can sometimes be buffed out with a special buffing wheel and compound, provided the scratch is not deep. As a rule of thumb, if you can feel your fingernail catch while running it across the scratch, it is probably too deep to polish.
Another concern with buffing or polishing scratched windshields is the distortion of the glass caused by the removal of material which eliminates the scratch. In other words, if the scratch is not small, and very light on the glass surface, you will probably not gain any benefit from polishing it out, because as you remove more material to eliminate the damage, you will be creating a change in the surface contour which will cause a wavy apperance when you look through it. Only light scratches and scuffs can be buffed out without causing too much distortion in the glass.
You may be better off to try to find a used glass that is in better condition, if you are trying to preserve the vehicle's originality. Another option is to find a glass company that will sell you a new windshield, however, the markings on the glass will not resemble vintage glass markings.
Brian (Auto Glass Technician--12+ yrs. exp.)