what's it worth?


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Dan Q

New member
Nov 29, 2005
Lake zurich IL
hi all, I'm new here. I have a vinatge 8.15x15 whitewall with red stripe tire that was a spare in my 67 corvette. It appears to be a NON-DOT bias ply tire. I did a google search and found that this tire was an option on 65 66 67 and maybe 68 tbirds.

My question is this worth anytihng? Is there a tbird judging organization like the corvette NCRS that makes people want an old tire for their car?

response to What's it Worth?

Depending upon the age of the tire, it could very well be worth nothing! Tires naturally age just sitting on a shelf. Unfortunately, time creates what is called "tire rot". In effect, the tire dries out, loses it's flexiblity, and becomes extremely dangerous since it's now susceptible to splitting and cracking.

Check with any local tire dealer and just ask them if a tire that's been sitting in your trunk for "X" number of years is still good.

Since you don't indicate when the tire was originally purchased, I doubt if you'll get a reasonable answer from idiots such as myself.
Some people restore what I call "push-mobiles" basically a car that is mostly pushed or occasionally driven onto a trailer. Some of these people will pay big bucks for an original tire. You just have to find the right person. Look on e-bay for auctions on tires like these.
