Unbalanced '92 LX


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May 6, 2002
I recently had the rear end rebulit on my '92 LX 3.8 and am having vibrations that are very pronounced at about 50 and 80MPH. The rebuilt was done twice to double check for shim errors and the like and still the problem is there. Is it possible that replacing certain parts made other parts that are original show wear in the form of the vibration? I am considering replacing the rear wheel bearings but i hate to just start replacing parts with the hit and miss approach. Any help would be great.

[ 05-07-2002: Message edited by: Criticalmass316 ]
This is a wild shot. But, double check your u-joints. This sounds more like a drive line harmonics problem than a rear end problem. I'm not that familiar with the MN12 rear end, but is it possible that the pinion angle is wrong?
Was the rebuild done professionally, or did you do it yourself. If it was done professionally, make sure you take it back to whoever did it and claim a warranty on it. Also, if you changed your tires lately, they may be slightly imbalanced. I had that problem when I had my '93. As far as the rear wheel bearings go, my left rear one kept going out once, because the hub had cracked. But even with that problem, it never shook. Hope this helps.


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