Tail lights on a 84 T-bird.


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Mar 26, 2002
I need a real person's help. My 84 bird was smashed from the rear and dealers and 2nd hand shops are saying that 85 lenses aren't the same. They look the same to me and they can't tell me the differences. I can't find any 84 lenses but have a line on a set of 85's, however if they don't fit I don't get my money back. So I need you alls help. Will they work or not ?

Thanks in advance.

P.S- This sight is really neat. This bird is actually my second first was a 77 and this weekend we are going out to look at a 95.
The '83-'84 Thunderbird taillights are different from the '85-'86 taillights. The difference is this:

'83-'84 - Reverse lamp in center of taillights.

'85-'86 - Reverse lamp on inner edge of taillights.

I don't know if the hookups are the same and if you could change the lights using the same sockets (just in different places), but I THINK the fit should be the same.

So if all else fails I could buy the 85 lenses and rewire the reverse lights or move the sockets them selves. Thats a much better answer than I get here. I ask whats the difference I get "I don't know". What percentage do you think the fitting up is ?

Thanks Again,
Sorry for not answering sooner. I just got off the road last night and forgot to check this site until today. I found someone that knows of an '84 with the '85-'86 style lenses. He's pretty sure that they should fit, just as I am. He's also going to ask the guy in the next couple days to find out. (By the way, I just got back to him today about asking the guy, so it may be a couple more days until I know for sure.) Also, I'm going to check with a friend of mine who owns a junkyard and should be able to tell me with the computer program he has for interchangeable parts. I'll check with him tomorrow and let you know what he says. Sorry it's taking so long, but I rode in a tractor trailer all the way from Missouri to North Carolina, which took a few days with stops. :)


[ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: Rick Corder ]
Thanks I really do appreciate your time. I can't seem to find anyone else that will give me a straight answer. Go get some sleep..... :) Hope your wreaking yard people are better than ours they go by a book that says 83-84 are the same part # and 85-86 are same part # so they wont work, but like I said they look the same, but I don't have a 84 lense to compare to.

[ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: db ]
Just an update 85-86 lenses do fit. You need to change the sockets around like you stated. They also have the faniceier bird.

I just figured out how the pm works. Will we are very certain now. Thanks for the help. Dropping the tank was an inexperience in its self. Well see how see goes back together. People can't believe I brought this thing back from the dead, but I enjoy it so thats all that matters.
83-84 lights are identical except for ornamentation. 83-84 Cougar lights will fit exactly as will 85-86 T-bird and Cougar lights. They all use the same mounting, just like the different styles of Mustang lights from 79-93. You simply need to plug the light into the correct hole.