Noisy Injectors?

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Aug 17, 2003
Worcester, MA
Hey All-

This isn't so much a question as it is a survey:

If your Bird came with the 4.6, are the fuel injectors noisy?

This is one of the first things I noticed when I bought the car and was looking it over...the fuel injectors are noticeably loud. It doesn't seem to be an unhealthy sound by any means, as it's consistent through differing temperatures and operating speeds. Mine is a '94; I've looked at one other owner's (cougarman in this forum) Cougar (same year/engine) and his was identical in terms of sound and consistency. Finally, I couldn't find anything on the 'net about this being common in 4.6 Birds/Cougars or Fords for that matter. Thanks,

Yes, the fuel injectors are noisy on the 4.6's.

This is confirmed thru a Ford Master mechanic (or whatever their called).

The passenger side is louder than the driver's side. Why, I don't know.

It has been talked about in the 4.6 forums over at
Never heard that complaint before-we have several members who have the 4.6L, and we've never had the problem crop up here.
Well, then you can put me down in your survey as one who has noisey injectors.

I took it to New Country Ford in Saratoga, NY (under warranty), and their certified master mechanic said that this was a common complaint on this car.
The vehicle was only a year old at that time.

Mine is a 95 LX
First, thanks to all who responded.

I want to clarify that I don't make this statement as a complaint; other than a slight lope in the idle when the engine is hot, she runs beautifully. It's probable that newer MN-12's (later than my '94) were equipped with different injectors that were quieter, and this may explain why some of you haven't noticed it. While I'm at it, would anyone like to offer a suggestion on why the engine would be lopey at idle (engine hot, in park)? I'd go so far as to say it's the MAF, but there may be a vacuum leak I can't detect with my ears. I will go so far as to say that it has receded with the colder weather (Mass.); this meaning that in the summer, the lope was more noticeable when the engine was still "cold." Take a stab at it...can't hurt. Thx,
