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Mar 28, 2006
ok so ive installed the pertronix point-less ignition and flame thrower II coil and i have found i need to bypfoul_wordfoul_wordfoul_word the resistor wire from the ignition switch to achieve proper voltage at the coil...but i cant find a wiring diagram that helps me and i suck at figuring out anything with wiring anyhoo.....so does anyone have any idears for me? it has to be a keyed power source, not interupted by the "start" circuit. i tried the window switch thing in the center of the firewall and it worked, the car ran great but the power was interupted during start-up..
i know this isnt a hard thing but im stuck..:banghead

thanks a million for the help!!!! :cheers :patriot

The instructions that came with my Pertronix says, and I quote "if your ignition system presently has a ballast resistor do not remove it"
I installed the Pertronix system several years ago on my 66 following the instructions that came with it and it performs very well.
Mudbird: Even if your power was interupted during cranking, the original system in your car provided 12 volts to the coil during cranking. This happens at the starter solenoil/switch. When the solenoil is activated, power is sent to the starter as well as the coil.
i agree Harley, maybe im over-thinkin this whole thing.. im gunna re-read my directions cuz i swear it said remove it or bypfoul_wordfoul_wordfoul_word it...oops.. Joe did yours plug in and work great right away? actually i think it may be the flame thrower II coil becuase it has 1.5 ohms resistance..so when i measure at the coil i get 6.7 in and 4.2 (or so) out... i think thats why it says to bypfoul_wordfoul_wordfoul_word it..
does that make better sense??

thanks for the help!! the car just seems to run rough until higher rpm now, and when i jumperd from 12v source to coil it ran great!!
maybe i need to check my choke and fuel mixture and timing too just to be safe...

thanks ya'll!!! :cheers :patriot
well then it needs the carb and choke adjusted and timing as well.. any recommendations for no timing marks??

i really appreciate the foul_wordfoul_wordfoul_wordistance!!
i have one... i like to ask others for their advice and tips, and reference it all with the book..sometimes peoples real world advice is much better.. im also going to order the vacuum and electrical diagram manuals as well from tbird headquarters..
Check ebay for manuals and such before buying new ones. I've seen really cool ones on ebay that have color wiring diagrams, not just a very baaad xerox copy of a black and white chart.
good idear!! thanks for all the foul_wordfoul_wordfoul_wordistance...i dont think i'll bypfoul_wordfoul_wordfoul_word those wires after all... has anyone noticed it says word foul every time the letters a s s are together in a word?? funny
Check ebay for manuals and such before buying new ones. I've seen really cool ones on ebay that have color wiring diagrams, not just a very baaad xerox copy of a black and white chart.

Hmm, got the dreaded 'black and white' version, could really do with a colored one - does anybody have one for sale?? (Remembering how far away I am!)