Diamond Back radial tires???


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Apr 28, 2008
Just ordered a set of Diamond Back tires for my 56 Bird. does anyone have any experience with Diamond Back? I looked at Coker, but heard a lot of negative comments, did I make the right decision?? Thank you!!
I ordered a set for my 59 bird last year. have over 12 months and 3k miles and am very happy with them.

I just picked up a 57 lil' bird at Carlisle and am ordering a set of the 14 inch WW. 2.25 ww sides.

good luck
DiamondBack Radials


Purchased a set of diamondbacks for my 56. I am very happy with them.

Be sure to tell the people who are mounting them not to stack the tires so that a black wall touches a white wall. The mold release from the blackwall will discolor the whitewalls and it will be very hard to clean.

Good Luck
Charlie C :driving
Diamond back

I have had some problems with my Diamond Backs on my 57 Bird. The whitewalls started de-laminating and bubbled quite severely with about 1000 miles on them.
I put Coker WWW radials on my 55 several years ago and they've been a great tire. I have 10 000 miles on them already. They came with a warning to inflate them to 35 psi, which I found rode too hard. I set them to 30 psi and have been happy with their ride and handling. When they finally need replacing I'll certainly consider another set of Coker's.