cleaning convertible top

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Mar 22, 2010
Any secrets or techniques for cleaning the ragtop on a 66? Thinking about just cleaning with a scrub brush, soap and water, then using a light bleach mixture on my white top. Any suggestions??
I wish I could remember the name of the stuff but its a pink jell that comes in a bucket and is used for cleaning live stock. Works amazing on all materials including leather. Got all the stains out of my vinal seats when I first purchased my car.
I have used and I have a white top on my T-bird and parchment on my Mustang. Companies like Mothers Polish, Eagle One, Griot's Garage, and Meguiar's manufacture cleaners specifically designed for convertible tops - check your local auto part store for local but I prefer SprayNine. Never ever use bleach as it will eventually destroy the top. I use a very soft dishwashing brush I have used for 20 years if if feels rough to your skin dont use it on top, unless it is a really good stain.
