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Nov 17, 2009
I love these cars! I love cars period! But I just traded for a 57 TBird Replica.I tried to join another site and they denied my membership,because my Vin# doesnt match an a original Tbird vin#. Its titled as a 57 Ford Convertble.Not being the real McCoy, I guess I wasnt welcome.
Well I,m not booted yet, so here it is.Not sure who,or when it was built. Was told that it was a production car by Regal,but called Regal and they said it was,nt.Im pretty sure it was not a home build. Car has 5.0 engine and C4 tranny.Would really like to know what company built this though

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It may not be real, but when I had the the chance to get it ,I jumped on it. As stated, I really like these cars. I gave up my 23T Bucket for it. And I dont regret it. I tell everyone its not the real thing and its a glass car. Some frown, but some say its still cool anyway.If nothing else it will be a good driver.
I doubt that anyone would object to your joining this forum. There isn't a great deal of traffic here, and the more people who join just may add to the number of posts and thereby increase the activity. I'm not surprised that the purists have turned their noses up at your glass car, but then your car didn't cost what the purists had to invest, will turn just as many heads while you're tooling down the road, and it won't rust out. Welcome to the group and safe motoring!
I think it looks great, the only thing I don't understand about the kit manufacturer is why didn't they have some type of chrome molding to go around the windshield? well who's going to notice when it's going down the road, they'll probably be looking at the grin you're wearing instead !
Your car and input are fine by me,,it looks well done and certainly must be reliable w easy parts,,engine compartment looks great and im certain the price was right,,I was considering the same when I bought my 55,,I would consider a new st wheel as there are so many options out there,,the purists have problems with mine due to a maghogany wheel and a 4 speed to name a few,,my ex wives did also so they all can meet in the same place