1964 thunderbird blinkers


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Jun 17, 2002
reno nevada
I just bought a 64 thunderbird and the turnsignals do not work. I heard that there is suppose to be some kind of box in the trunk for the turn signals. I have looked and don't see a box. Can someone tell me just where I should look. Also if the problem isn't the box what else should I check. :confused:
The "box in the trunk "that you are talking about is for the sequential turn signals.
Not sure if the 1964 model had them. If they did, then I would look for what looks like a taped up UPS package in the back of the trunk. (Right in front of the tire, looking forward) But before that, check your fuses. If the fuses look ok, then I would check that "package" you have in your trunk for a bad connection or loose wires, etc....(if you have sequential turn signals)
The 64 did NOT have sequential turn signals. They were not approved by the Feds in time for 64 production. A shame since this is one of the coolest features of the car and a real head turner -- both then and now.