1960 Square Bird - gotta love it


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Just bought a 1960 T-bird - funky looking car - had it shipped across the coutry to the east cost, the car is all metal. Check it out at http://www.buycablesnow.com/tbird

Let me know what you think about it.

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
352 v8, 4 barrel holley, 300 factory horsepower. spread the word.

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
Looked at your pictures before I registered as a member. It is good to see another squarebird in RI. There are not to many of us as you probably already know. Yor car looks great and hope you are enjoying it. Have you been to many shows with it since you got it?
thanks ford, before I answer that, do you have a yellow bird. once you answer that I'll tell you why i ask. yes indeed we are a rare breed...

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
Originally posted by phjohnso:
thanks ford, before I answer that, do you have a yellow bird. once you answer that I'll tell you why i ask. yes indeed we are a rare breed...

Yes I have a yellow bird. Thunderbird called it Casino Cream but yellow is a more accurate description.
Here is the scoop, we met at the cumberland drive night about 2 months ago, I saw you car and told you how beautiful it was. You told me about the birds at blithwold which was in a wekk or two. I was so taken by the perfect beauty of your car, that I brought my boys to see it. There wasn't a big turnout that day because the weather was sort of bad, but we chatted a bit ad we looked around. From that point on I was hooked and had to buy one. I found one that is just right for me, needs very minor work but I love it. I can't drive it anywhere with out people coming up to me in amazement at how beautiful the car looks. What else can I say but thanks for peaking my interest in tbirds again. I go to the cumberland drive night and usually the a&w on tuesdays. I also have a corvette as well but honestly I am selling it because the tbird is just so much more awesome. Can we set up links with your club and have your members join the tbirdforum.com, it's free and a good place to talk with other tburd nuts. This weekend I have restored my valve covers back to the original yellow state that they should be in.


Paul Johnson

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
I really don't know, its just that you gotta really love these models to be into it. seems to be that simple...

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
Originally posted by phjohnso:
Here is the scoop, we met at the cumberland drive night about 2 months ago, I saw you car and told you how beautiful it was. You told me about the birds at blithwold which was in a wekk or two. I was so taken by the perfect beauty of your car, that I brought my boys to see it. There wasn't a big turnout that day because the weather was sort of bad, but we chatted a bit ad we looked around. From that point on I was hooked and had to buy one. I found one that is just right for me, needs very minor work but I love it. I can't drive it anywhere with out people coming up to me in amazement at how beautiful the car looks. What else can I say but thanks for peaking my interest in tbirds again. I go to the cumberland drive night and usually the a&w on tuesdays. I also have a corvette as well but honestly I am selling it because the tbird is just so much more awesome. Can we set up links with your club and have your members join the tbirdforum.com, it's free and a good place to talk with other tburd nuts. This weekend I have restored my valve covers back to the original yellow state that they should be in.


Paul Johnson

Hi Paul, I do remember meeting you at MacDonald's that night. I was parked with the Corvettes. My good friend had his 1999 vette with him. He also has a perfect red 1955 T-bird. I don't get up to MacDonald's too often. I do most Saturday & Sunday cruises and shows due to work and the fact that I don't get home much before 6 or 7. It sounds like you are hooked alright. Do you bring the Bird to MacDonald's on Friday's? I heard about the Tbird Forum from the President of South Shores Thunderbirds (SST). We discussed setting up a link. I thought it was underway. If you have not heard from Doug or Mike let me know. I will also email him tonight. I know you told me about owning a vette but I cannot remember what year it was.
Yes I do usually go there on Fridays, and the A&W on Tuesdays. Where do you go on Fridays and Saturdays. On a Sad note, a 59 white convertible was totalled after a friday cruise night a week ago. I can't remember the owners name but the accident happened in narragansett. Such a shame.

Crazy about them square birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
Originally posted by phjohnso:
Yes I do usually go there on Fridays, and the A&W on Tuesdays. Where do you go on Fridays and Saturdays. On a Sad note, a 59 white convertible was totalled after a friday cruise night a week ago. I can't remember the owners name but the accident happened in narragansett. Such a shame.

Paul I don't go anywhere on Friday nights, still at work. All my fault.The 59 white conv. belongs to Jack Bardsley. He has owned it 3+ years or thereabouts. he was going to do the interior and repaint this winter. Now who knows. I have heard it is totaled. But if I know Jack you may see it on the road again.
It's a shame to see tbirds destroyed like that, i know this is going to uoset you guys but i have to say it, the other day i was watching a monster truck show on TV. and two tbirds were crushed
a 78 town landau edt. tbird and 58 convertable, if anyone wants more details emai me at [email protected]
