Y Block Parts


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May 7, 2012
Just picked up a used 292 Y Block out of a 61 Ford Pickup. I intend on using some of the parts for my 57 Bird (312 V8) as the casting is the same. I will have a few items left over if anyone is interested. Some are listed below, let me know if there is anything in particular that you can use.

6 Volt Starter
6 Volt Generator
2 Barrel Holley with Manifold
Exhaust Manifold with Crossover Blanked
Fan & Pullys
Cylinder Heads
More ....

I plan on keeping the Oil Pump, Fuel Pump, and Water Pump at a minimum.

I might shave the heads and do a valve job, as well as rebuild the Carb and keep both along with the intake manifold, unless someone has a need for them.

Everything is used, I was told it ran when it was pulled but as it had been out for 10+ years thus I didn't make any attempt to verify - the engine turns over very easily by hand so it is not frozen. When I drained the oil it was black (no surprise there) but it didn't smell burnt.

Willing to part with the short block if anyone is interested in rebuilding.

Also have a T98 - 4 Speed Transmission (3 + granny gear) and the Clutch both out of the truck.

I am located in Mesa, AZ and you will need to pick up or I will assist in having it shipped to you if you pre-pay.

I also have pictures of everything as it was being disassembled, send me your email and I can get back to you with the pics.



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