Update from a long forgotton member!


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Sanitarium 73

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2003
Hamilton, Ohio
Hey guys! I'm Jim, not sure if anyone remembers, but I used to frequent this forum a lot 6 or 7 years ago. I mainly poked around the 72-76 and the 77-79 sections.

Life happened, and I more or less fell off the radar. One thing you never outgrow is a love of your first Ford!

Back then, I had a '79 Town Landau. I messed with that sucker for 2 years and never got it figured out. I gave up and sold it(I know, I know..). It would not be my last triple blue car, however.


By jtepker at 2011-10-27

Before I sold my '79, I bought this. 1991 Crown Victoria LX. I really loved this car. A lot. Two weeks after getting my license, three days before Christmas and nine days before my 18th birthday, I wrapped it around a pole due to inexperience in cold weather conditions. Little did I know what it would lead to.


By jtepker at 2011-10-27

Nine days after destroying my '91 Crown Vic, and on my 18th birthday, I found this '88 Crown Vic. It combined the triple blue color of my first Thunderbird with a car I already loved. It was low mileage, and bone stock. It wouldn't stay like that for long.

Soon after, I scored a job at a local Chevrolet dealership. I learned how to spin a wrench, and started customizing. This was five years ago. The Crown Vic I found on my 18th birthday is still my daily driver. And it's definitely not bone stock anymore.


By jtepker at 2011-10-27

I also eventually inherited a '73 Thunderbird from my dad. I don't have a current picture of it. It does not have a motor. I've had it in a 10x20 storage unit for 4 years. It's a shame to think what I could have done to it if I only had the time.

These days, I'm a manager at a Wal Mart TLE up here in Ohio. I'm 23 and I still love spinning a wrench. My cars are my passion and I love doing things that are new and different. The update I have posted is barely scratching the surface of the cars and projects I've had. Hopefully I can reconnect with old friends on here and make some new ones!

Thanks for reading my super long thread! :cheers
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Something you may have already learned, get a little grease in your blood and you're infected forever! My first car was a 54 Plymouth Plaza; I tinkered with that car and sorta wish I still had it. But many years and many new cars later, I just had to pick up an older car, and it had to be a T-Bird because I've always loved them. I now own a 64 Hardtop -- it's been a rough road and after 15 years it's still a long way from finished, but I still have it.

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