Udate from the Newbi with the 66 tbird in Dallas.


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Nov 21, 2005
I really appreciate the response I have received on this site. I have been invited to the local tbird club meetings but have not been able to attend. I hope to make the next one. Since I last posted on this site I have accomplised some work. The steering was pulling to the right and had a very free feel to it. You could feel every bump in the road. Then it started leaking fluid from the bottom of the gear box at the Pitman arm. I ordered a new Power Steering Gear Box and three new Insulators. While waiting for the parts, I pulled the old one out. This was not an easy task. That gear box weighs over 40 lbs and of course the bolts were stubborn. Installing the new one was even more of a challenge, trying to line it up with the attachment bolts and at the same time guide it into the Flex joint. After getting it all back together, and also installing a new starter while I was under there, (and becoming very familiar with the underside of my car) the Shift Lever was not aligned properly. I had moved a support of the linkage, in the Shift Lever linkage, to help get the gear box in and out. I put it all back where it originally was, but the position of the Shift Lever was all off. I went to the book and followed the directions on realigning the linkage and that still didn' work . Park was reverse, reverse was neutral, and so on. After trying various combinations, the best I could do was; Park is Park, Reverse is Reverse, Neutral is sort of where it should be, but the rest is messed up. I have to move the shift lever all the way to low to get it in the first forward gear. If you look at the manual linkage at the transmission with it being disconnected from the linkage, it shifts perfectly through all the gears when moved by hand. The problem seems to be that the linkage from the shift lever, even when placed all the way down in the Low postion, falls short of where the linkage arm from the transmission needs to be. Short by about 2-3 inches. The linkage seems undamaged and normal. Even the kick-down works. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of problem? I have to assume perhaps there is something wrong in the steering column, although there was nothing wrong before I proceeded with the work. It shifted fine. Always started in only Park and Neutral, and shifted into all the positions fine. Never jumped out of Park.

I also can't figure out how to get the steering wheel in the proper position with the wheels going straight forward. It is about 90 degrees off. I tried to reposition it by loosening the bolt where the gear meets the Flex Drive, but when I get it where I want it, I can't get to the bolt to tighten it. Is there another way to move the steering wheel? Can I just take the steering wheel off and realign it that way?

I drove it and the steering is vastly improved. No pulling and very solid feel. Perhaps too solid. When making a turn the wheel seems to stay where you put it instead of returning to center. The bumps in the road are absorbed nicely by the new insulators. NO LEAKS.

The starter works fine, but putting that upper bolt back on is a real challenge. I finally went with a bolt from the other end and secured it with a nut.

One last thing, the zipper at the top of the rear window, convertible top, has always been difficult, and now the metal tab has broken off of the zipper pull. Some of it has ripped away from the top. I was thinking of removing it entirely and replacing it with velcro, like the sides have. Anyone ever do this?

Anyway, drove it yesterday on a clear sunshine day, and it was great.

Next project is to fix the exhaust leak somewhere in the manifold, and find this annoying minor oil leak.

Any comments are appreciated.


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