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New member
Jun 6, 2021
Hello all!

I just joined this forum. I have a cherry red 55 T-bird, which I love. Been totally dependent on others to keep it going, but now want to get my hands a little dirty.

Look forward to asking for help. I am a surgeon who knows virtually nothing about cars. I have wanted a T-bird ever since I saw the miniature version at FAO Schwartz.

To be perfectly honest, I would recommend another forum. This forum. as far as the early birds are concerned, has very little activity. In fact, very little activity for the other birds from what I have seen although I do not check the other years specific postings

For some one looking for advice, I would recommend

Vintage Thunderbird Club International

It is a very active forum. Just checking in on a random basis you can gain knowledge even if you don't have a question. You do not have to become a member of that club to join the forum (I am not a member). Lots of good advice from knowledgeable members.

If you haven't all ready, I would recommend you get some manuals on your car. Specifically, a Shop manual and an Electrical Assembly Manual. They are Ford Manuals (some are reproductions) and they help when you want to get your hands dirty.

I would also recommend that you see if there is a local Tbird club in your area. Members are usually very willing to help other Birders - even if there is not a TBird club locally, an antique car club would be a benefit.

Last but not least, I would recommend you join a national club. I belong to the Classic Thunderbird Club Int'l (CTCI). They have a very nice bi-monthly publication and have a web site ( with technical information directly related to early Tbirds.

Good luck with your Thunderbird