How to change freeze plug on 93?

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Apr 4, 2011
I just bought a 93 tbird. Its a good car, it just needs a new freeze plug. It has a pinhole leak, and I was wondering if I need to completely replace it, or if I could maybe run some stop leak through it. If I have to replace it, about how much would it cost for a mechanic to do? Or is it something that I could take care of myself? Any advice at all would be appreciated.
when I have had to replace them I always use the expandable type due to ease of use. if you can get in there usually you can use a punch or a small chisel and knock them in then pull them out. easy stuff
Would you reccomend any type of sealant since its just a pinhole leak? Or should I just go ahead and put a new one in?
I would go ahead and change it. since its already leaking its most likely rusted from the inside making it thin and brittle if you took a pick to it you would probably poke right through. try the expandable freeze plugs just make sure you know what size you need.