You're touching on territory that isn't in my best knowledge group, but a few things come to mind. If you've correctly verified that there is no current draw when the car is off (I've added the extra security of a battery disconnect for those times when I know the car won't be in use for a while. Its a small metal extension that goes between the battery cable (either + or -) and the battery post. It has a twist knob that when turned disconnects the battery. It ensures that a short circuit causing a fire, or the clock or courtesy light draining the battery can't happen when I'm not in the car. Easy enough to raise the hood, reach in and turn the reconnect knob, close the hood and be on my way.) you are therefore assured that your car isn't charging the battery when its running. Check for a loose fan belt, loose/corroded connections on the generator, or a generator or voltage regulator that are not working properly. These last two areas will need to be checked out by someone who knows how to test them. Hope this helps! Good Luck!