57 TBird Suspension


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Jun 9, 2010
My Dads' 57 E Bird has a little sag to the rear and bouncey shocks in the front. For Fathers day and his birthday I plan to have the rear leaf springs, front coils, and shocks replaced. Any recommendations on which vendor to use? I also hear a vaccum leak in the power booster which, I think, is associated with the increase in engine rpm when braking. Is the vaccum booster diaphram difficult to change? Any vendor recommendations? I figure true TBird enthusiats know a lot more about these items than most general mechanics so your feedback is important. Thanks for your help.
I have a '57 that has the same problems, and I am planning on doing the same things (replace the rear springs and attacment parts, and the diaphram in the power brake booster). I will watch this thread with interest! Good Luck.

I've used Mac's Antique Auto Parts as well as National Parts Depot for various parts and pieces over the years. Both have online catalogues to give you pricing and availability. Their pricing has always been fairly close, but you may find one better than the other when it comes to shipping, based on where you are located, meaning the closer you are to them = cheaper shipping.

As for the power brake booster .... my 55 has standard brakes, so I can't help you out. Good Luck!
Thanks. I've had a subscription to Hemmings Motor News for years and there are some vendors there I just wanted to see who the TBird guys relied on. I just completed an older Jeep CJ restoration and wasn't impressed with what was advertised as OEM replacement when I recieved it and did not want the same suprise in quality difference on my Dads Bird. I appreciate the sites input and help.
unless your leafs are shot, you might find someone to recurve them. guys that do that are hard tofind though, but if you can, it will save you a lot of $$ and do the job too!