1955 Tbird engine not making power


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Sep 22, 2010
I have a 55 Bird (which was my Dads) I tryed to start the car in spring and could not get it to start narrowed down and it was the fuel pump, replaced and car started no problem, but when I drove her she had no power in the engine and would bog down when i pushed the accelerator. Everything pointed to the carburator which I had localy rebuilt, same problem. My friend had a holley 4 barrel for a lincoln which fit and i had the same problem, so still everyone said carburator, so I bought a re built carburator from Daytona Carburator's rite model for the 55, Same problem. Checked timing, compresion test, vaccum is good and vaccum advance, replaced points,coil, sparkplugs, new radiator waterpump and hoses, new fuel line off fuel pump and installed a secoundary pump(which is great on hot starts and cold)but nothing has helped, my mechanic still says carburator but i have had three on with same problem? I have had two machanics look at it and everyone is scratcing there heads.
Has anyone had this problem or any ideas? Thank you very much, i am very frustated and dont now which way to go?
I'll do some research through some old TBird guys I know to see if they have any ideas for you. In the meantime, I'm curious as to whether you have an exhaust restriction of some type.

Check the passenger side exhaust manifold where it connects to the down pipe. Is the flapper valve on the heat riser opening (its spring loaded and opens on its own as the engine comes up to temperature), or is it frozen shut? If stuck, you'll need graphite to lube it as anything else will just burn off.

How about the mufflers and tail pipes? Are they plugged up from critters or collapsing rusty interiors? Disconnect the down pipes and see if she runs better?
Yes I checked the heat riser valve and it is operating normaly. the tail pipes or both pushing exhaust, I have not diconected them. I wonder if there could be something stuck in the intake manifold(in the crossover) like carbon. Also as the car heats up it runs worse can not even drive above 35mph. thank you for your time!
I would run a (temporary) wire directly from the battery to a toggle switch and to the distributor positive. turn the switch on, and start the car normally. Some electical systems have resistors which cauz this problem, if the car runs good than you now its a resistor.
most likely its the distributer if you run the wire like i said you will be able to bypass any other problem and you will know that its the distributor/coil or points. I would also check to make sure that there is not a gasket where the distributor goes into the block. sometime people put a gasket there (incorrect) which can effect higher rpm driving

check out this site
CTCI - Gil's Garage
Yes today I went to check if someone had put in a gasket on ditributor and they had, made a mark and stated to remove came out smooth untill I head plink, something fell off, fell down into engine, my heart sank. I pulled disrtributor out and the bottom of the shaft had broken were it slips in the oil pump drive. I fished around with a Magnet no luck. Pulled the Carb intake manifold and then valley cover, no luck fished around with magnet and nothing, So then I droped the oil pump, no luck. Then I started to drop the oil pan after a bit of time I got it out and found my pieceof metal, Phew. So know It does seem something is up with that distributor, Im going to send it out for a rebuild.
I have the same problem with my 65 TBird which I imported to Germany in Feb 09.
We also replaced the carb (Edelbrock), fuel pump (Holley "black" electrical now), fuel filter, sending unit. Same problem.
My mechanic says there must be dirt (rust) in the fuel tank and lines.
Did you check the fuel tank and the filter of the sending unit?
I have checked fuel lines which seem to be clear, but i have not checked fuel tank, I am geting a good flow of fuel from pump and i have a secondary electric pump. still waiting for my re built distributor to come back..

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