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  1. 7

    Pics of recently finished Bird

    Do you get more power without the emissions equipment? :hat
  2. 7

    happy holidays

    is anyone else as anxious as i am for spring so they can go cruisin? :auto
  3. 7

    frames and 4.6s

    thanks a lot eh :coolg i'll be cruisin, hittin switches in no time...after i get a $1000 bucks that is
  4. 7

    frames and 4.6s

    i have a question about getting a hydraulics setup for my bird, i was wondering if the frame would need strengthening or if i would have to modify anything under there to go low? it looks pretty smooth under there and i probably would be able to get away with a few inches lowering (do they even...
  5. 7

    My Cruising buddy

    i never have to cruise by myself when i drive my Bird, there is a mouse living in there somewhere, he's huge and his color matches the reddish brown of the interior! i named him Terrance, and he scavenges for the seeds that my sister dropped under the front seat(it was her hamster's food) i dont...
  6. 7

    Stop Laughing Please

    hahaha nice pics look how huge that 'Bird looks next to that little british car! man, i thought my mom's honda civic looked small next to my bigT!:cheers
  7. 7

    Soon to be seeking my first car!

    hahaha we like to joke about my '79s moods when the light covers start to go up, often one will be up more then the other like its making faces :crazy
  8. 7

    Sucide birds...

    Most Thunderbirds are a fine car for the money! :agree
  9. 7

    thunderbird derby

    I Just hope my '79 doesn't have to go that way! ahha