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  1. N

    town & country Radio repair

    I'm very pleased with this mans work. Not because he is close, but because I've had consistently excellent service for '56 & '57 radios. Sorry I can't recommend anyone closer to you. Tom
  2. N

    Head light control

    Brian, It isn't worth your time to mess around with the clock. You can get it refurbished with a one year warranty for $40. If that part has to be replaced, I think that may be an additional $15. The place I recommend is: You hear a lot of criticism about old car...
  3. N

    57 padded dash

    Brian, I used those crummy FOMOCO pads that were quite old. I have no experience with the currently available repro pads. I can tell you this much though; you could spot a repro pad from 10' in front of the car. They have (or had) a "puffy" appearance compared to the Ford item. I haven't...
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    Head light control

    Brian, Detailed instructions on the procedure are in the Shop Manual on page 8-8. Fig. 20 on page 8-9 shows a large illustation of the switch. I'll try to expand on their instructions and hope I don't make it impossible to understand. On the outboard side of the switch, there is a spring...
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    Tom, Sorry, my experience with power steering repairs has not caused me to have the"in depth" experience required to answer your question. Apparently it's beyond the experience level of other members on this board. Since no one can help you salvage what you have; I suggest you contact...
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    VIN decoding
  7. N

    engine verification

    Engine code "P" used in '55 &'56. Displacement and horsepower for that code letter, varies by year and transmission type. We need a little more info. I am not aware of any "lead pipe certain" way of determining if an engine was the one originally installed when the car came off the line...
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    dash cover installation

    Stephen, Ignore my reply. It applies to '57 models. Your post didn't indicate what year Bird you were asking about. I didn't remember you had a '56 until I had already responded. Tom
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    dash cover installation

    If you are using a blue FOMOCO pad, you might want to enlarge the map light hole in the metal dash to prevent bending the map light when you get the pad aligned with the glove box button. Otherwise, take your time and do a couple of "dry fits" before using adhesive. If you are using one of...
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    57 padded dash

    By all means install the pad with the dash out of the car. For one thing, the black retainer strips at the windshield are very difficult to install with a right angle ratcheting screwdriver when the dash is installed. Firmly support the dash, do some "dry fitting" of the pad prior to using...
  11. N

    56 Tbird Chassis

    If you belong to Classic Thunderbird Club International, contact Gil Baumgartner for an authentcity ruling. Gil's word should be the final binding ruling on the issue. Tom
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    1955 BIRDS

    There were no sunvisors on the '55s. They were first used on the '56 model. Tom
  13. N

    Bumper bolts

    Brian, Thank you for the compliment. You have to remember something when dealing with these cars; almost everything is subject for debate. On the subject for discussion on this thread, I offer the following example: The front bumper wings are bolted to the main bumper bar with four...
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    exhaust ruins bumper chrome

    gbhrps, Since you have a '55, you are eventually come up with the idea of adding some length to your exhaust pipes to keep the deposits off your bumper guards. Just want to let you know that about 15-20 years ago, every T'bird parts supplier sold these parts. You will notice that they are no...
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    Speedo cable/over drive cable

    Brian, Us folks with automatics don't use that hole. As a matter of fact, we don't even have that hole in our floor. It is an impression stamped outline of a hole that could probably be popped out with a ball-peen hammer. This is where the speedo cable goes on manual transmission cars and...
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    Bumper bolts

    Brian, Ford Parts Book says 7/16-20. This is for both front and rear bumpers. Tom
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    exhaust ruins bumper chrome

    It seems that the vast majority of owners do exactly what your boss has done. Turning down the exhaust outlets under the car, forward of the bumper is the most logical solution. There are only two reasons for having the exhaust exit through the bumper or guards; (1) the car is shown in high...
  18. N

    55 Horn Ring

    The '55 horn ring casting is in all the current catalogs I have from the major T-Bird parts houses. It's P/N 13A805. Cost is about $325.00. Tom
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    Horn ring 56

    The steering column is chrome plated for the full length. The best solution to the horn ring is to search for one off a '56 passenger car. The reason for this recommendation is two fold: (1) the interiors of passenger cars were protected from the elements and the interior trim was usually...
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    door garnish rail 56

    The hard way is the right way! Buy a small coil of wire (approx .020 dia.), bend it over using needle nose pliers as a template and snip the ends to length. The actual installation is the fun part. Press a needle sharp prick from the back side of the garnish moulding through the moulding and...