Door glass

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Nov 11, 2021
I've never been happy with my PW operation. I seem to get it close to operating smoothly from all the way down to all the way up. But it seems to be inconsistent. I don't see worn parts. The channel is very well lubricated with silicon free Wurth Rubber Care lube.

I'm thinking about doing modifications as recommended by Gil Baumgartner in his Restoration Manual on page 262/3.

  • Has anyone on this forum done this? Was it successful?
  • Does anyone still sell door glass shortened by 1/4"?
Not sure what your problem is with the windows going up and down, but I pretty sure any glass shop could shorten your window.
The windows bind, not smooth. I'll take the glass to a glass shop to have them cut down.

Thanks for your response.
What condition are the channels? Are they worn ans should be replaced ? Don't understand the rubber lube thing as the channels are lined with "fuzzies"
could just be a weak motor, or low voltage, are you still running 6V? Are both the windows slow, or just 1? I would check the voltage at the motor while it is operating to see if you have excessive loss.

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