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This is a discussion on WHITEWALL TIRES! within the Wheels, Rims, and Tires forums, part of the Tech Forums category; I have been wanting to put the big 3.25 whitewalls on my 66 but kinda passed out when i found ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 06-26-2003, 08:35 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Royal Oak Michigan
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woodward bird is on a distinguished road

I have been wanting to put the big 3.25 whitewalls on my 66 but kinda passed out when i found out that thier $200per tire for the coker's.....well i just wanted to let everyone know in case thier lookin for some i found a company called denman that has the big 3.25 whitewall just like the cokers for $78 per tire...worthy a look if you like whitewalls www.denman.com ...there called the classic 4.....
Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin
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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 09-22-2003, 02:18 PM
dgs dgs is offline
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dgs is on a distinguished road

That address is an engineering company. The tire comany is www.denmantire.com.
1960 Convertible
Raven Black
Red Leather
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  #3 (permalink)   IP:
Old 08-31-2004, 09:54 AM
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stude3 is on a distinguished road
Kelsey tire

We too were shopping for wide whites for our 56. We reviewed all the available radials for 15" and noticed the widest radial white in our tire tize range was a 2.5" whitewall.

Since we current had a set of old Uniroyal radial wide-whites which had a 3" wall, we did not want to go back to narrower. We decided to go with bias tires for that reason. We figured if it was bad enough on the ride we could always change later and use the tires on a hotrod project.

We went all the way with the Goodyear pattern made by Kelsey tire in Missouri. We ordered through Universal. It took 2 days to receive the tires.
The tires are 6.70 x 15 which was the original tire size for our year. We chose the widest whitewall which is 4.25". It is a very awesome classic look on the peacock bird. We know it is oversize from stock but it looks real nice.

And It handles and steers just fine. My wife is happy with it, although I keep telling her to take it in to our alinement guy, and have him put a little tow-in on it for the bias tires. I think we paid about $115 each plus shipping. This was much less than eqiuvalent radials, although $$$$ was not cause for our choice.

We went to the riverside Model T swap last weekend and parked with the classic cars and rods. I noticed we had the widest whites there except for a huge 1930 Lincoln which had wheels 3 ft tall and 6" whites!!!

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  #4 (permalink)   IP:
Old 10-10-2005, 08:38 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
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CurvyKarma is on a distinguished road
Radial or Bias

Originally Posted by woodward bird
I have been wanting to put the big 3.25 whitewalls on my 66 but kinda passed out when i found out that thier $200per tire for the coker's.....well i just wanted to let everyone know in case thier lookin for some i found a company called denman that has the big 3.25 whitewall just like the cokers for $78 per tire...worthy a look if you like whitewalls www.denman.com ...there called the classic 4.....
We have a '59 and KNOW that our vintage car would look better with the wide whitewalls, but have been holding off because of the price. Are these Classic 4's radial or bias ply?
Thanks, CurvyKarma
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