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brighten up tail feathers

This is a discussion on brighten up tail feathers within the Square Birds [1958-1960] forums, part of the Thunderbird Model Years category; There are four RED lenses that have three screws each holding them to the base refelectors at the rear of ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-23-2012, 10:18 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 40
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RobertZpianoman is on a distinguished road
brighten up tail feathers

There are four RED lenses that have three screws each holding them to the base refelectors at the rear of your '58 to '60 bird , and to remove the stubborn phillips type screws I put lite pressure to them with a small hammer applying left motion on the screwdriver as the tapping loosened the r u s t they came out 1/64 th of the way ..then used a needle nosed "vice grip" pliers , to get the rest of the length and purchased all 12 of them new from pat wilsons t birds .com. Having the lenses away from the base refelector's , I installed new 2 wire type #1003 sockets to the existing bottom provided o.e.m. holes... at the reflector bases ...from the rear of reflector bases... inside trunk panel area access holes( getting in the trunk and attaching the wire leads) to the r u n lite black wire at harness and the other wire of socket to ground.. with butt connectors ...then installed the #1003 lamps.naturally the internal breaker in headlite switch tripped as the o.e.m. is a #18 size wire..so installed a FUSE (20 AMP) FROM FRONT BATTERY TO A#6 AWG. SIZE 17 FT. LENTH WIRE from front + battery thru interior (avoiding the rear seat back shorting potential )and ended at the trunk panel area, installed simple(7.5 AMP FUSE HOLDER) AND A 4 post TYPE relay #85 relay coil to "running light wire" at rear access harness from headlite switch black.. then #86relay coil to ground ,then #30 from (7.5 amp fuse holder) from front battery # 6 wire relay contact (in) and finally # 87 (out) to the four #1003 lightes . all brighter now. so added a rear window stop lite as difference in lumens at rear lites was close run /stop brightness.
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