stalling question

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Dec 18, 2001
Hi I have a 91 t-bird automatic with 144k
Everytime I step on the gas the rpm drops and the car often stalls. While the car idles I can hear what sounds like a solenoid kicking in and out and the rpm increase and decrease as well. Not sure if two probems related been to shop twice never fixed but of course charged. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I remember correctly, they have what is called an idle control valve. You may want to check with your local auto parts store and ask them where it is located on the car. Also, ask them how to check if to see if it is bad. My car did have that problem, but I did the cheap way of fixing it, with my foot on the gas a little bit when it was idling. (Hey, it worked!) That should be your problem, or at least that's what mine was. Hope this helps you.