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87 2.3L - Dist. Gear & Aux Gear shreded

This is a discussion on 87 2.3L - Dist. Gear & Aux Gear shreded within the Mechanical and Engine Tuning and Mods forums, part of the Tech Forums category; Hey Guys, been a while since my Bird died and has been resting in storage til now. I am needing ...

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Old 12-14-2015, 10:18 AM
Ron Ron is offline
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87 2.3L - Dist. Gear & Aux Gear shreded

Hey Guys,

been a while since my Bird died and has been resting in storage til now. I am needing to get this car back on the road by spring and I am in need of ALL the "How to" help as possible, whether it be instructions on my post or a simple link to other instruction/videos. I am very short on time lately so poking around and searching on my own is taking way to long so I am hoping to find a few good resources here on this forum.

I have about 100k on my 87 Turbo coupe. The distributor gear and Aux. Gear it meshes with are destroyed and need replacing and appear to be somewhat easy to do. My problem is finding the right oem part numbers (no Brass gears) and some one that is selling them. Also, the best way to get the oil pan off with the least amount of effort. I have seen on other posts about lifting the engine til it hits the fire wall, but no other info was given.... I am assuming the engine mounts were unbolted before lifting???

Seriously, any tips to this properly repair this would be very much appreciated.


Last edited by Ron; 12-14-2015 at 03:04 PM.
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