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Leaner and Meaner Birds [1977-1979] Ford enacts a radical transformation, making the t-bird leaner and meaner, talk about your lean mean bird here.

A/C retrofit

This is a discussion on A/C retrofit within the Leaner and Meaner Birds [1977-1979] forums, part of the Thunderbird Model Years category; Ok, so hopefully some of you out there are a/c gurus and can help me out. I've just done a ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 06-06-2007, 11:31 PM
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A/C retrofit

Ok, so hopefully some of you out there are a/c gurus and can help me out. I've just done a retrofit from R12 to 134A on my 1978 Bird. The compressor was locked up, so I dissassembled everything, flushed the system, and replaced the compressor, drier, and oriface/equalizer. I placed 8.5 oz of pag oil in the system (half in the compressor and half in the suction line before the compressor), vacuumed the system, and charged it. Here's the problem: toward the end of the charging process it started sounding like it's got marbles in the compressor. It blows nice and cold, but it seems like it sounds worse every time I run it. Does anyone know if I added the correct amount of oil? Do you think I just got a bad compressor? I couldn't find the info for the oil charge anywhere so it was basically an educated guess. Anybody got a clue?
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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 10-01-2007, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by fomocoguy View Post
Ok, so hopefully some of you out there are a/c gurus and can help me out. I've just done a retrofit from R12 to 134A on my 1978 Bird. The compressor was locked up, so I dissassembled everything, flushed the system, and replaced the compressor, drier, and oriface/equalizer. I placed 8.5 oz of pag oil in the system (half in the compressor and half in the suction line before the compressor), vacuumed the system, and charged it. Here's the problem: toward the end of the charging process it started sounding like it's got marbles in the compressor. It blows nice and cold, but it seems like it sounds worse every time I run it. Does anyone know if I added the correct amount of oil? Do you think I just got a bad compressor? I couldn't find the info for the oil charge anywhere so it was basically an educated guess. Anybody got a clue?
usually an A/C system only requires about 4 oz of oil. 8 seems like way too much. you might want to drain your system before any damage occurs and start over. you can buy the 4 oz pag cans at any part store for about $5. I found this out the hard way and it cost me a compressor.
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