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Fuel pump and air injection questions.

This is a discussion on Fuel pump and air injection questions. within the Flair Birds [1964-1966] forums, part of the Thunderbird Model Years category; Hello. New to the site and my first post. I recently purchased a 1965 Thunderbird at auction. After buying it ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-11-2019, 03:47 AM
Join Date: Feb 2019
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Big Al is on a distinguished road
Fuel pump and air injection questions.

Hello. New to the site and my first post.
I recently purchased a 1965 Thunderbird at auction. After buying it I contacted the previous owner. He told me that due to an overheating problem in the late 60s - early 70s the factory motor was destroyed. He replaced it with a 1966 Thunderbird 390. I started to replace all items that would affect reliability, water pump, fuel pump, full tune-up, belts, etc.
The problems. All of the catalogs dedicated to these Birds show that the 66 had a fuel pump with a filter cannister. The current one on the car doesn't. I bought the newer style pump/filter and it won't fit. The cannister hits the sway bar directly below it. Doing some measuring it looks like the cannister is at least 1 inch too long to fit. There is no fuel filter on the car now. I'm stumped.
If this can't be figured out, what year pump would I use? Previous year 390s?
The second issue is the air injection system that was on the 66s. I'd like to remove it all. I'm not going to try to remove the connections into the heads and hope that the check holds. The pump needs to stay to act as the A/C belt tensioner. I plan on removing the vanes in the pump and the maze of plumbing that runs all around the motor.
Will I be looking at any running problems affecting the motor of any kind?
Thanks for any help.
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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-12-2019, 12:29 PM
Steve Seebart
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Welcome to the site and congrats on the new bird. Some photos would help, I think, as you're describing some unusual issues.

The canister fuel pump is correct and should fit. Either you've got the wrong part (perhaps one for a truck application) or there's something out of kilter with the suspension causing the interference. You might try comparing the dimensions of the pump with those sold at a dedicated tbird part dealer, like Bird Nest | West Linn OR | 1958-66 Thunderbird Parts

The smog pump was a California-only item, so pretty rare. I have a 64, so didn't have to deal with it. Others have, though: https://www.vintagethunderbirdclub.n...og+pump#p97800

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  #3 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-01-2019, 11:16 AM
Yadkin's Avatar
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Fuel pump and filter. There are different size canisters that you can probably find to fit the pump that you have. But be aware that some of the reproductions of these pumps are made in China and are terrible. I've had several fail on a bench test. You are better off getting a good name brand and using a remote filter between it and the carburetor. Don't use glass or plastic- find an all metal filter.

Air injection heads. I'm familiar with this on later year cars (1973 and on). Maybe this is a California motor. In any event, modifications that I've seen include pinching off the steel tube (with some success) and removing the fitting entirely and replacing with threaded plugs (better solution).

I would not leave the pump in place. Just take it off, use a smaller V-belt and tension it with the AC bracket adjustment.
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