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Power seat problems

This is a discussion on Power seat problems within the Flair Birds [1964-1966] forums, part of the Thunderbird Model Years category; I have a 65 and my pass seat works fine going front to back and on trying to go up ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-22-2010, 01:34 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 14
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friver609 is on a distinguished road
Power seat problems

I have a 65 and my pass seat works fine going front to back and on trying to go up and down the motor runs and nothing happens, and my drivers side seat wont work at all. Please help.
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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 06-16-2010, 04:06 PM
Frat_man-du's Avatar  
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Vienna, VA
Posts: 32
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Frat_man-du is on a distinguished road
Pass side - if you can hear the motor start and stop can you hear it change when you move the switch to up and down? If so there are relays on the wormgear on the power seat track - I bet one is bad, broken wire or dirty connection. If no change then the switch could be bad you can swap, as a test, with the driver’s side switch.

Driver side- make sure you have power it is the plug that is under the carpet - have to pull gently to reveal the actual plug. Test for voltage. If there is power and the motor make no click or bump then swap the switch with pass seat, if still nothing then I would guess bad motor. If you so choose you can swap motors and try - Not a tough job at all, just a bit of heavy lifting. I take off the metal backs to the seat so they don’t get scratched. I bought a $20 tractor battery to use on my work bench to play with motors - maybe worth it for you in the long run if you want to do this type of work. Take your time and it can be both fun and very rewarding to find the issue and fix it!
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