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Brakes dragging????

This is a discussion on Brakes dragging???? within the Flair Birds [1964-1966] forums, part of the Thunderbird Model Years category; New to the Tbird life, my 66 has a bad take off problem. I can feel the brakes dragging; at ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 02-22-2009, 08:12 PM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Midway, GA
Posts: 18
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DL'sbird is on a distinguished road
Brakes dragging????

New to the Tbird life, my 66 has a bad take off problem. I can feel the brakes dragging; at least they feel that way. Once I take off, the car pulls along and then you feel a surge or release. I can stop then accelerate and you notice it. It is not an engine hesitation but a restriction. The e brake will not go up or down. There is a small lever by it, that when activated makes a vacuum sound. I did find a hose that attaches to the assembly but did not find a hook up that was visible. There are 2 units under that dash that had vacuum hook ups. I have ordered the shop service and assembly manuals, just have not arrived yet. Thanks for the help
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