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S&J Rebuilt Motors

This is a discussion on S&J Rebuilt Motors within the Dealer & Vendor Feedback forums, part of the Help & Feedback category; I'm considering buying a remanufactured engine from a company called S&J Engines, located in Washington state. They appear to be ...

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  #1 (permalink)   IP:
Old 11-22-2011, 03:49 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
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kapejo is on a distinguished road
S&J Rebuilt Motors

I'm considering buying a remanufactured engine from a company called S&J Engines, located in Washington state. They appear to be very detailed. Has anyone out there purchased a rebuilt motor from them? If so, I'd appreciate your feedback.

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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-19-2012, 01:24 PM
Gary Tayman's Avatar
Tayman Electrical LLC
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Sarasota, Florida
Age: 69
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Gary Tayman is on a distinguished road
I don't know about this place, but if I do this again -- and I WILL have to go though this again unfortunately -- I will buy my motor IN FLORIDA!

Why? Because the "Newly rebuilt" motor I bought is a real piece of crap. After considerable work, the motor runs fairly well, but burns oil like crazy. Most of it is blow-by, but there are leaks and drips galore as well; this reminds me, I need to recoat my garage floor with new kitty litter. It came from Wisconsin, and was sent back to Wisconsin at my expense (for removal and reinstall) for warranty, and it came back as bad as ever. I consulted my attorney, and I've got a rock-solid case, but a lawsuit would involve taking it to court in Wisconsin if I expect to collect anything. In Florida, not only would the shop be likely within driving distance, but any legal action if required would be binding. Of course here's hoping you won't need it, but this should be a consideration.

In my case I can go three ways. My local mechanic can rebuild the motor. He can also remove it so I can take it to a shop -- and there is a shop in nearby Bradenton that has gained a wonderful reputation for quality. Third, and this is what he recommends, write this one off entirely and buy another, from a reputable shop WITHIN FLORIDA, and there are several that have a good reputation and offer a warranty. Too many other bills at the moment, so it may be some time before I do this, but it will definitely be one of the three.
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