57 Instrument Cluster Removal


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Apr 23, 2002
I need to know if the Instruments can be removed as a cluster from a 57 Thunderbird. The Shop Manual gives just enough information to be dangerous. I have removed the seat,steering wheel, the trim ring around the steering column amd the chrome accent piece under the dash visor. I have found 4 screws holding the cluster in place at the bottom of the cluster. The bottm of the cluster appears to be loose the top is not.
How many screws hold this unit?
Where are they located?
How EXACTLY do you remove this thing? I do not want to remove the entire dash. Only the instrument cluster.
I thank you in advance for all your help
Tom Wright
57 T_bird
67 Corvette
After spending 3 hours looking and cursing at the problem, and having no response from this forum, I called the fine people at CASCO on there tech line. I told my sad song to the fine folks and was advised that the BEST way to remove the instruments was to remove the ENTIRE dash.
I was at first dumbfounded. After a few momemts of sinlence the fine folks at CASCO told me that it was the best and EASEST way to get the instruments out of my bird. They guided me step by step and and with only one more call back to make sure I was on the right track the entire dash was out in less time than was spent in the beginning.
The dash was stubborn at first from staying in the car for over 40 years but she let loose after a tug or two.
I can now work on all the instruments. replace the vacume wiper motor with electric. and replace the heater core with ease. Not to mention tidying up the interior with ease.

Thanks for all who looked. I hope this info helps someone else.
The guys at CASCO are great. I've spent some time on the phone with them and they are very helpful and also have about every part you could ever need in stock ready to ship (No, I'm not affiliated with them). Good luck on your dash, JIm
Sorry Tom - was trying to get back to you today, after reading your post last nite. My head was spinning when you said the dash was still in.

Just got my dash painted, and brought it home to start rebuilding it last nite, as coincidence would have it. Now comes the tedious task of laying out all the parts and reversing the process.
Also be aware that the latest insert for the Thunderbird Manual (from CTCI) has a nice two page section (with pictures) on rebuilding and reinstalling the dash. Yeah!