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H E E E L L PPPPP!! This dang squeal is driving me nuts. '97 T-bird with an annoying as Heck squeal under the hood. Have replaced the belt, bearings in alternator, both idler pullies, water pump, power stearing pump...each time held my breath and guess what...SQUEAL..even succumbed to spraying silicone on belt. SQUEAL!!! Now what?? The kicker, if the belt is squeal. Now that won't work. Any help would be appreciated before I drive hubby nuts with my complaining. Beginning to wonder just how much WD40 it will take to soak the car. 
PS. The car does not have to be moving to do this..idling, in park, in drive, squeals!
[ 08-27-2003: Message edited by: VaTBird-RN ]
PS. The car does not have to be moving to do this..idling, in park, in drive, squeals!
[ 08-27-2003: Message edited by: VaTBird-RN ]