Love My Bird

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May 8, 2002
Grand Rapids, MI
I'm new to this board. I received my new Bird in September of 2001. My wife and I love driving it, especially on long trips. She is not a car lover, and has tolerated my enthusiasm for many years. Strangely, she was the first to see a picture of the car in December of 1998 and I was shocked when she said "We have to get one of these!" We saw the concept the next month, and placed a deposit the week after the auto show.

We drove it to Orlando in December, and were surprised at how well it rode on long days. As with any car, there are things I would change, given the chance, but overall we look forward to driving it each time. The hard top comes off next week!
I just wonder how often we'll get ours out on the road when it comes in. It'll have to vye for attention with our 57.

Since you drove long distance to Florida, did you have any packing problems?
5bird7 - Really didn't keep us from taking anything we wanted. However, we had to use a real smorgasboard of luggage. One piece from three separate sets of luggage. It was a sight!

Just two weeks ago, we purchased three pieces of luggage (plum colored, my wife's favorite) that goes real nice with the Thunderbird Blue. They monogrammed them for free. They fit beautifully in the trunk, and leave plenty of room for a couple of duffle bags to spare. They are smaller pieces, but we wear casual clothes, and nice stuff goes in a hanging bag, which will lay over the luggage.

If you want a digital pic of the luggage, let me know. I can also give you the store name.

What we are looking for now is a pop cooler to fit in the wheel well area, or in the square nich under the boot. If you run across anything, please let me know.
Since we use soft luggage for our packing in the 57 already, we'll have to wait and see how what we have fits.

We have a number of different coolers so again, until the 'bird comes in, we won't know what may fit in that top well spot. If it's too small for a hard cooler, something else just may go there. We're not about to use a soft cooler as they eventually leak.

I would appreciate a photo of your trunk when it's packed, especially of your new luggage.
I was thinking brown would look good with the blue, too.
Have had an inquiry about the luggage you bought. If you want to send me a picture, that would help too.
5Bird7 -

I will e-mail you the luggage pics in a couple of days.

We also found a 12 pack cooler by Rubbermaid that sits behind the seats, under $10. It is quite tall, but has a split top, so you can open only one half of it. I think I will try to cover it in a black fabric, or perhaps a black leather if I can locate a scrap at a fabric store. Am sure I will never find a blue leather to match the seat inserts.

Only drawback, if someone is very tall and needs the seat in the full back position, the cooler won't fit. Works great for us however, as my wife and I are both about 5'7" and adjust the seat only about half way back. :cool:


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