Anyone have tips on how to replace the shift detent bracket in the steering column of a 65 Flairbird? Mine came unscrewed and dropped down, jamming the steering column. The part looks like it has a groove on it -- so I plan to replace it with a new one.
I've got the steering wheel off, snap ring, turn signal assembly and gear selctor, but cannot figure out how to get the housing off enough to screw in the detent plate. Looks like the upper column bearing is what's hanging things up. Try as I may, I can't get the housing off and the bearing won't budge.
Anyone done this and have suugestions?
I've got the steering wheel off, snap ring, turn signal assembly and gear selctor, but cannot figure out how to get the housing off enough to screw in the detent plate. Looks like the upper column bearing is what's hanging things up. Try as I may, I can't get the housing off and the bearing won't budge.
Anyone done this and have suugestions?