Engine compatibility - 55 baby bird


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Feb 6, 2011
San Diego, CA
I've found a deal on a rebuilt 292 y-block from a 57 ford (model unknown). Does anyone know if this engine would fit in the bird? I know the exhaust manifolds would need to be swapped, and I'm planning a 12v conversion anyway. Will the engine mounts and manifolds fit without modification? Thanks.
All Y blocks (239-256-272-292-312) blocks are the same size and will interchange. There are a few add on parts that Birds have that sedan engines don't have and vice versa. A comparison between the two will show you what they are. A 57 engine is a better engine than the 55 since it has heads with bigger valves.

You will have to put the 55 front cover and spacer on the 57 engine. The TBirds used different mounts (front of engine and at the trans) so you will have to use the 55 mounts, including the 55 steady rests on the side of the block. The left (drivers ) side exhaust manifold is TBird specific so you would have to use the 55 manifold.. The 57, if off a sedan, is not the correct one. The passenger side should be the same.

I've found a deal on a rebuilt 292 y-block from a 57 ford (model unknown). Does anyone know if this engine would fit in the bird? I know the exhaust manifolds would need to be swapped, and I'm planning a 12v conversion anyway. Will the engine mounts and manifolds fit without modification? Thanks.