radial tires on stock 1956 steelies


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Radial tire issue 56 T Bird

Thanks for the input....I bought the wire baskets that grip the rims, not the stock type with the clips...I don't have the strength to operate those covers...
These baskets fit awful close to the tires at the rim...but my skirts can be installed without rubbing the center of the covers....I like that....the skirts I bought used and without the studs and locks that attach to the fenders. I must deal with that...If I can find some parts I will restore the locks to original and use them. I had fastened them with small bolts front and back but I am not fond of that attachment application. And my stainless spare tire cover hits the back side of the bumper when you lever it down to gas the car up..Got to fix that...parts are readily available but pricey....
its fun to work on a card that is all metal...most now such as the 1980s' have plastic parts galore.