HELP!!, Car wont start////65

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May 29, 2002
New Jersey
My car has been just sitting for the past week not being able to start at all, I do get some interior power though.. When the key is turned, all I get is this repeated clicking noise coming from somewhere near the battery, all I can tell is its on that side of the engine compartment,,, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciatd..thanks
Sounds like you have a nearly dead battery...not enough voltage to turn the engine over. The clicking noise you hear is the starter relay. Try jumping it, if it starts ck. battery connections, if okay have the battery tested. The relay should be okay if it is clicking.
To check the relay connect a jumper wire from the battery terminal of the relay to the starter terminal of the relay. If the engine cranks the relay is at fault. I have had problems with after market relays..they are sometimes bad even if they click.
I have tried to jump it a couple times, no luck.... I am going on vactaion tuesday so I think I may leave it at a friends shgop and have him fix it if its not something too difficult, thanks for the suggestions though...
Hey, my bird has the same clicking noise sometimes. I have to push and hold the shift lever in park and it usually cranks. It's worth a shot.

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