Brake System Problems

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T-Bird 92

New member
Dec 15, 2001
New York
Hi everybody... I have a '92 5.0 LX w/ four-wheel disc brakes. I've been having an "intermittent" power brake problem- that is, sometimes (randomly) I lose my power assist/ boost. This seems to happen when i'm stop-and-go driving, and not on the highway.
My local repair shop couldn't help (they drove it and couln't reproduce the problem). They told me to take it to the dealer. They said that since the brake booster system was electronically controlled, only the dealership could diagnose the exact problem. I guess this might have to do with using some type of diagnostic/ "code" reader. I was also told that my type of brake system was only used for a couple of years.
I'm sure that someone else must have had a similar problem... any advice?
You have ABS correct? If you do this PDF file might be helpful. You'll need "Adobe Acrobat" to view it (free ont the web). Click
HERE to download the ABS (antilock brake system) file. Let me know if it helps. A "code reader" may be just the thing also. You can usually find one at places like "AutoZone" for 30-50 bucks. It's a good investment, because you'll probably use it numerous times through the ownership of your Thunderbird. Good Luck!
Hi everybody... I have a '92 5.0 LX w/ four-wheel disc brakes. I've been having an "intermittent" power brake problem- that is, sometimes (randomly) I lose my power assist/ boost. This seems to happen when i'm stop-and-go driving, and not on the highway.
My local repair shop couldn't help (they drove it and couln't reproduce the problem). They told me to take it to the dealer. They said that since the brake booster system was electronically controlled, only the dealership could diagnose the exact problem. I guess this might have to do with using some type of diagnostic/ "code" reader. I was also told that my type of brake system was only used for a couple of years.
I'm sure that someone else must have had a similar problem... any advice?

I want to say it is your Accumulator...this has a diafram inside the accumulator and usually will go bad around 100,xxx miles or so. Once the diafram develops a rip/ hole your pressure becomes lower, in return your pump has to run to reload the accumulator with more fluid. Once this happens your pedal becomes soft and usually your Brake light & ABS comes on. This is a sign that your Accumulator needs replaced. Now on the otherhand, I have an 89 - so I'm not sure about your 92 if it is the same. I have not seen a 92 up close.

Here is a link to where I got my accumulator... FORD Sells accumulator for around 125 bucks and this place has them for 99 bucks. If anything, contact them to find out if they are the same. If they are not they will direct you in the right path I'm sure. I do know that my reservoir is bigger than the later models, but that is all I'm fimilar with on the later models.

I hope this may help you...

Jeff B.

[ 08-15-2003: Message edited by: Boostinmy89 ]