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The temp sender from MAC arrived Sat and I installed it this morning.  I checked the part number to confirm it is a 12V sender.

The temp gauge still does not move off of C when the car is warmed up.  I ran it for about 30 mins.  The radiator warmed up to where is was uncomfortable to touch.

I put a temporary temp gauge in the car.  Put the temp probe in the radiator  where intake hose goes into the radiator and tightened down the clamp so it would not leak.  The temp gauge is rated for 20F to 300F +/- 1F.

I ran the car for about 30 minutes yesterday and today..the temp settles out at about 150 to 155F.   So I guess for now, I don't need to worry about the car over heating...although there was a lot of rust (?) in the coolant...probably need to flush the system.

Do you know what temp the coolant usually is when the gauge starts to register?...and if it should register at 150, do you have any other idea why the gauge does not seen to work?


