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  1. K

    A Thunderbird at birth:

    A Thunderbird at birth: :cheers What are the chances that this one is now mine? It has the correct color, Hardtop, engine trim package. : Ahh: When USA was the manufacturing world leader!
  2. K

    Original clock & radio or not?

    I got a handle on most other fix needs for my 1955 thunderbird but whould like some feedback about the clock & radio. I think it is all origonal even whith 6V positive ground. The clock & radio are both origonal but do not work. Per vendors I have found the clock can be fixed or retrofited...
  3. K

    Car wont start, no spark

    my gauge also near pegs the temperature chart but the surface temperature on the steel at the thermostat runs 90 to 100 degrees above ambient after running a while. It would be easy to put in a resistor in line if I knew what size.
  4. K

    1955 BIRDS

    Thanks. I would like to do that provided I do not have to drill holes. Can a 56/57 owner forward a pic of the mounts? I found smeone who will make the sun visor the color you want but at near the same price.
  5. K

    1955 BIRDS

    It would be great if someone made a part to clip into the convertible top clips to accept a let say 1956+ sun visor that are readily available. Ovcourse only useful with the top down. It would have to be chromed.:coolg
  6. K

    Headlamp Rheostat?

    Thanks Paul. I got the Ford 55 shop manual but not that book. Oh negative 6 volt is with the multimeter black grounded as I alway do and red on the wires. -6 since it is a positive grounded system. Kevin
  7. K

    Headlamp Rheostat?

    On my 55 T-bird I am not getting -6v on at least the heater control box lamp. and bulbs do not light in the instrument cluster. I got -6v on the fuse on the back of the light switch which is suspose to feed these. The shop manual says these are on the Rheostat I assume an intergral part of the...
  8. K

    1955 heater Control Panel

    I wonder if there are peened clips specificly for this job. I did not see this in either of two catalogs I got. I did not think that they simply get fit in with the "Ford-o-matic precision fitting tool" . :driving Uhh - short for a hammer.
  9. K

    Newbee getting a '55 in 2 weeks.

    Hi I am new also. I bought a well restored 1955 T-bird and drained a bank account for it a few weeks ago. I went through the restoration think with a mustang that I'll give to my son in the near future. I did not want to repeat that again.:auto
  10. K

    1955 heater Control Panel

    Hi I am new to this site. On my 55 T-bird the heater control panel seems to be a puzzle I cannot fix nor does the shop manual helo. The steel enclosure housing with the 2 left/right movement knobs had left & right tabs that are intended to swing away from the box to hold the assembly on the dash...