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  1. F

    1964 parts car

    More than I have. I worked on getting it mechanically safe for my wife ... but this would be too costly for me. I'm just hoping to recoup my costs on the motor/tranny rebuild etc. The car is in Edmonton, Alberta.
  2. F

    1964 parts car

    It is a 1964 Thunderbird. I have rebuilt the motor and transmission (about 4K ago), new springs/shocks (about 5K ago), new trunk and gas tank (20 miles), new Petronix ignition system (20 miles), have 2 stripped and primed Californian front doors, 2 stripped Californian front fenders, Classic...
  3. F

    Question About Brake Lights / Turn Signal Switch

    Thanks for the note. I did a little more playing and believe that my switch is unfixable. I was in whinning to an old friend of mine, Gary Cowley, a long time parts guy. He said wait a minute, he went in to the back, and came back with a Ford T Bird switch in the original box! And then he...
  4. F

    Question About Brake Lights / Turn Signal Switch

    I am having the same issue and am wondering if the relay solved your problem? I spent numerous hours the steering wheel/turn signal this weekend;took it all apart. The best I could figure is that the little "sliders" underneath the cam and plastic isolator are worn out ... or the relay...
  5. F

    Front Fender Removal

    I about to tackle replacing the front left/right fenders on my 1964 Thunderbird. Am I correct in assuming that it is simply a matter of the removal of the various bolts on the hinge pillar, under the hood? I did not see any references in the manual. Cheers. Michael.