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  1. S

    88 tc needs help

    i am sorry to hear that my prayers are with you wish you and your loved ones well take your time
  2. S

    88 tc needs help

    just plz keep me informed i would appreeate it
  3. S

    88 tc needs help

    thanks :cheers :driving :auto
  4. S

    88 tc needs help

    well i am rebuilding an 88 tc for my son he graduates this yr and i want him to have it as a graduation gift well not so much rebuilding but putting to gether and doing a little of wiring
  5. S

    88 tc needs help

    how much for the cooling lines and do you know where i can pick up the oil return line also i would crimp it off but it is going to be in cali and the emission laws say you have to have it
  6. S

    88 tc needs help

    i am new the site i just picked up 2 88 turbo coupes one needs a fuel pump the other needs cooling lines for the turboand some one cut the line that runs from the exhaust manifold to the intake does anyone know where i can get these parts our local jy doesnt have anything that old