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    Dip Stick Replacement

    The same **** happened to me. Right now I have no way to check the oil, because the bracket fell off that sits in the mainfold. Somebody help!
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    Rough Idle after braking at a light

    ok got codes scanned, the codes were for the MAF sensor, got it replaced, light is now gone, and so is the bad idle.
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    Rough Idle after braking at a light

    im gonna get those codes scanned ASAP thanks
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    Rough Idle after braking at a light

    What's Up everybody my T-Bird's check engine light has come on. Its actually been on for about 5months, and whenever I am driving and brake, the car shudders. Sometimes it does this when idling but rarely. Also If I put the car in reverse the dash flashes and its as if the car shuts off for...
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    Ground Effects

    The car is a 1995 T-Bird 3.8 LX 146,000miles. Head Gaskets have been replaced. Car has run great since then last year. I really want to add some ground effects to my car. I know you have to remove the rear bumber, but what else. How do you do it? Also where can I get the side pieces from...