1990 T-Bird LX


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Aug 10, 2002
Seattle Washington
I just purchased my first t-bird and i was wondering if it would be possible to buy a supercharger form the sc of the same year and engine. if so, i would like to no EVERYTHING that could go wrong. Thanx a ton.
There are a number of reasons not to use the SC parts on your 3.8, first and foremost is the cast crank & the cast pistons in your engine. There is a list of other technical reasons that's a mile long why it's a bad idea. Try and find a SC engine and you'll be miles ahead.

good luck,

www.sccoa.com is an excellent source of info on these fantastic cars/engines
I have to agree. It would be easier to put a V-8 in your car , that to make a standard 3.8 a super coupe motor. I had a fellow offer me the Coil pack ,supercharger and all evectrical mods for the wiring harnes for 1,100. I really would not take it for free. The enfine have more different from each other than alike. It is a major job with the entire Super Coupe Motor--Let along parts. I modified the entire powertrain on my V-6 1989 from the radiator to the 8.8 trac -lok 3:55's and hve beaten both the 5.0 and 4.6 stock thunderbirds with it. Yes it cost a far amount but all the parts are stranger than factory also. My car is no rocket sled but is pretty quick for a V-6 and has suprizes a lot of 3.8 grand prix and 3.4 Lumina 5 sp owners when they saw tailight of a V-6 Thunderbird. I am sure their frinds got told it was a Super Coupe sleeper. My two cents worth says do not do it. take car and enjoy the T-Bird
Wes :)