trying to get some hard to find parts - and some questions

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Oct 8, 2002
I just got a 69 thunderbird and I'm trying to get some items for it, if anyone has or knows where I could get them please email me at [email protected].
- First I would like to get bucket seats - my bench seat needs some reupholstering so I figure I may as well get bucket seats.
- I would love to get the magnum wheels.
- my AC is busted - I don't know if its the compressor or if it just needs to be recharged - anyone have a clue on what I should do about this?
- I'm pretty sure its impossible to get but if there's any chance anyone has or knows where I could get a sunroof top for this model, I'd be willing to trade + pay my original vinyl top (looks brand new - not a crack in it) for one.
- My car has the plain AM radio option, I would like to get the FM/AM and cassett stereo.
- I have already added some inside door panels - the originals were FUBAR - I'd like to get the originals if they are in good condition.

Now I have this annoyign problem with my steering - in which if I turn the steering wheel all the way either right or left, it squeaks pretty badly - I tightened the belt so I know its not that - any ideas why it would do that?

Also, today I finally got a vacuum guage, and it reads consistently lower than the normal range (its at about 15), and when I accellerate the car the vacuum reading actually drops - almost to zero then it slowly gets back up to its original reading. Then when the throttle goes back down to idle the vacuum actually goes up a little (into the proper range about 20) and then dips back down to below normal. Any idea what causes this? I have noticed inside my car I can hear a hissing sound, and my vents dont work (the vents on the windshield and by the feet work, but the vents that face teh driver and passenger totally don't work) - could that be causing problems? And how can I go about fixing that?

thanks for any help!
Hello - Several places can help you find bucket seats (you'll need the console, too). Please keep in mind that depending on the trim level, you might have to replace your back seat as well. Try Thunderbird Santuary in Tualtin, OR. I've ordered from them many times and have been very pleased with their products and service. You can also check e-bay. I haven't often seen seats listed, but the mag hubcaps pop up every now and again (there is a slight difference between the '67 - '68 mags and the '69 mags - don't remember what it is off the top of my head, but I do believe it's quite subtle). As for the sunroof? Good luck! As they were offered in '69, '70, and '71 only (I think they went glass in '72 or '73)they're as scarse as hen's teeth. I do know of a guy who purchased the whole set up off a scrapped Tudor to put on his Fordor. You MIGHT be able to get one off a Mark III - not sure if it would work or not. If you're not too concerned about origality, you could pull a glass one off a car and use it - I've seen one in a '68 Fordor that turned out quite well (so much so I would be tempted to add one to mine, but, since the option wasn't offered in '67....) I'm hoping someone will be able to answer your steering question for you - I have no knowledge in that area, and very little in the vacuum arena other than if you're hearing a hissing sound inside the car, you have a vacuum leak which, as you guessed, is causing the vents to be non-functional.