missing parts on engine?


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coyote 1

Sep 6, 2002
Hey guys..
just found the site,couldn't have happened at a better time .I just bought this 66 bird about 4 wks ago,it had a newly rebuilt 390 in it&had been converted over to electronic ignition...etc fires right up,has a few other problems but there seems to be some other equipment,or parts missing on it...ie;smog pump? something goes above the alternator,in order for the alt. belt and a/c belt to line up properly& Idont know what this guy was thinkingwhen he left the car but there's seems to be lots o' junk missing under the hood.Is there some schematics,drawings or anything for the belts,a/c, alter.,and how the engine compartment was set up from the factory,got a shop manual from Obsolete Ford parts in OKC,OK,but it dont show jack about it.Anyway thanx ahead o time for the help... :confused:
Some 390's were set up with thermactor exhaust systems. This system used an air pump that was mounted just above the altinator.If the engine has been coverted to eliminate that system there is a idler pully bracket that is used to line up the componets.
Check with the Bird Nest in Portland, Or.
www.tbirdparts.com or phone 800-232-6378
Originally posted by coyote 1:
Hey Joe, I tried that web page,but I guess I need a desciption of the part in order to find the p/n,or part... thermactor replacement idler assy??? Thanks again!
Hey joe,I lost your e-mail reply,but i did go ahead and order catalogs from all the suggested sites.I hope I can get this 'bird going soon so I can take it on a road trip to Dallas in NOV.Thanks for your help guys!BE in touch ...C-ya...