Fuseable link?


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Nitrous Bob

Active member
Dec 15, 2014
Hello, new here.
I have a '66 Q code barn find I'm rebuilding, not restoring. Car as far as I know, has never been apart. After pulling the engine, I noticed a pink wire, a fuseable link, about 12-14 inches long hanging. Coming through the firewall with the pwr window relay wires. Any idea where it attaches to, what it might pwr? Didn't see it on a wiring diagram.:banghead
Any info greatly appreciated.
Nitrous Bob
Hi Bob,
Just a guess. It may be a coil resistance wire. I have read elsewhere that Ford replaced the "cooker" resistor on the older intakes with a pink wire.

Others will know for sure or check below for a more definitive answer.

Pink wires are normally resistance wires. As Jim said, they are used on the coil in on-transistorized ignition cars. I have also heard of them used on power windows to reduce the voltage as the window reaches the end of its travel. This is to prevent it from slamming into the stops. I'm not sure if Ford did this on the Thunderbirds nor am I sure if they showed it on the electrical drawings.
Hope this helps
Thanks, Jim and Terry.
Thing is, it's to short to attach to any power source under the hood. Would it go to a ground? I checked the pwr windows before tearing this car apart. Windows did not work. I assumed the pwr window relay was bad. Not really sure. I'm new on Tbird electrical system. Learning by troubleshooting and advice.
Usually that pink wire is a resistor wire to step down voltage to the coil. I never replaced one myself, But some people will replace it with a regular wire when they change from points to the Petronix system to get 12 volts. It should be about two feet long starting at the ignition switch and ending on passenger side with bullet connectors. I thought it was wrapped in the harness though. Thought it didn't go through the firewall either.
Fuseable link

Thanks, boaterbob,
This fuseable link has the flexiable wire loom, small eye connector,(#8). I pulled the slack through the firewall, now about 26" long. Would reach the coil.
Guess I'll have to wait til I get to the underdash and see where it goes.
Appreciate everyone's help.
Do you have a Pertronix ignition installed? If so, the fusible link should have been removed from the circuit. I am not familiar enough with that wiring to know if it went through the firewall.
If you don't already have a shop manual and Osborne electrical assembly manual, I'd recommend you purchase them. The Body assembly manual is also a great help.