New Rotor / Hub Question

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If memory serves me correct, the only thing holding the hub and rotor together is the 5 stud/lugs coming through the back of the hub and swedged into the rotor. Usually you have some old beat-up lug nuts you can use as sacrifice. Screw the old nut on to the stud until it is just above the top of the stud. Place the rotor flat on the ground supported with some pieces of 2X4 to take up any hub distance. In a single smooth stike, come down on the lug nut/stud. It will usually pop right through with one blow.:smash

You may want to pick up new studs and nuts if the examples you have are old and not trustworthy anymore. Thats all commercially available and now would be the right time.:yesnod You know the saying..."do it right or do it over.:banghead

I hope I helped, good Luck!