Fuel Sender


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2002
Has anyone had trouble with after market fuel senders. First one i put in worked well but when the low fuel went on it stayed on. Now the second one reads good but then drops to E for no reason. It then pops back on when it feels like, But just for awhile. Everything else seems to check out. Are the after markets all made by the same manufacturer?

Just had the same thing with my 65 Emberglow. Had two senders put in. Same problem on both. I was too embarrased to bring it back a third time, so I jacked it up and pulled the 3 prong connector from the sender. The whole thing was corroded. I took some emery cloth and cleaned the female fittings. A little WD-40 for good measure and everything worked. The only problem is when I fill the tank, the gas guage only reads 3/4. I heard you can adjust this at the guage. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks ... Mike
Thanks for the reply Mike, My connections at the tank are all clean. I always adjusted it by bending the float arm. Filled the tank then siphoned out ten gallons, Bent the the float arm so it would read 1/2 tank. I believe Harley Eaton said you can adjust the guage on this forum. There is a hole in the top and the bottom of the guage with two gear looking things in there, Maybe thats it.